How to

How to use getpivotdata in Excel?

Many people asked themselves: "How to use getpivotdata in Excel?", you are not the only one! Hopefully is dedicated to providing the answers to your questions in MS Excel. In this post, we will do our best to provide you with an answer to your specific question relating to Excel. So let's get to work!


How to use getpivotdata in Excel?

If you already have a pivot table, you may query it with the GETPIVOTDATA function in order to extract particular data based on the structure of the pivot table. The name of a value field to query is given in the first parameter, which is data field. The pivot table is a reference to any cell that is already present in a pivot table. This is the second parameter.


Understanding the GetPivotData Formula in Excel


How to use GETPIVOTDATA in Excel 2016: Pivot Tables Excel 2016




How do I use formula Getpivotdata in Excel?

You can quickly enter a straightforward GETPIVOTDATA formula by first typing = (the equal sign) in the cell that you want to return the value to, and then clicking the cell in the PivotTable that contains the data that you want to return. This will allow you to enter the formula in a matter of seconds.


What is the benefit of Getpivotdata?

Using the GETPIVOTDATA function rather than a cell reference has the benefit of recording data to ensure that the correct value is returned, even if the location of the referenced cell changes when the data in a PivotTable is updated. This is an advantage over using a cell reference, which does not record data.


How do I get pivot table data in Excel?

Simply click a cell inside the range that contains the source data or table. Select Insert > PivotTable from the menu. Excel will present the Create PivotTable window with the range or table name that you specified already selected.


How do I use formulas instead of PivotTables?

To access the PivotTable, click here. Click the OLAP tools group under the Options tab, and then click the Convert to Formulas button that appears afterward. In the event that there are no report filters, the conversion process will end successfully. The Convert to Formulas dialog box will appear if there are any number of report filters that have been applied.


How do I get sum of Getpivotdata?

Let's say we want to get the total number of laptops from the pivot table that was just presented. Under these circumstances, we will use the formula =GETPIVOTDATA("laptops", $J$4), and the number that we will obtain will be 651,000. Now, we need to find out how much money was made overall. The formula that has to be used is going to be =GETPIVOTDATA("sum of Total", $J$4)


What is the point of Getpivotdata?

Excel's Lookup and Reference functions are where you'll find the GETPIVOTDATA function among their ranks. Utilizing this function will assist in the process of extracting data from particular fields in an Excel Pivot Table. In order to assist a more in-depth review of the data that is provided, the Pivot Table is frequently employed in financial analysis.


How use Getpivotdata function?

You can rapidly write a basic GETPIVOTDATA formula by entering = (the equal sign) in the cell you want to return the value to, and then clicking the cell in the PivotTable that holds the data you want to return. This will allow you to input the formula in a streamlined manner.


Is Getpivotdata faster than Sumifs?

In this particular instance, GETPIVOTDATA offers a speed advantage of almost 40 times over SUMIF.


Can you drag GetPivotData?

If you alter the text that is hard-coded into the formula to a cell reference instead of the pivot item argument, then the formula will have greater flexibility. You may avoid having to create individual formulas for each product by dragging down the formula that is located in cell E4.



We trust that you now fully understand "How to use getpivotdata in Excel?" after reading this post. Please take the time to browse for more Excel articles on if you have any more inquiries concerning the Microsoft Excel program. If not, please get in touch with us through the contact page.

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