How to

How to use Power Query in Excel? [Solved]

Many people asked themselves: "How to use Power Query in Excel? [Solved]", you are not the only one! Hopefully is dedicated to providing the answers to your questions in MS Excel. In this post, we will do our best to provide you with an answer to your specific question relating to Excel. So let's get to work!


How to use Power Query in Excel? [Solved]

  1. To access the Queries tab in Excel, navigate to the Data menu, then click on Queries & Connections.
  2. Find the query in the list of queries, right click it, and then pick the Load To option from the context menu.
  3. The dialog box labeled Import Data will now appear.
  4. After you have determined how you would want the data imported, select OK.



How Power Query Will Change the Way You Use Excel




You may import data from other sources or connect to them using Power Query (which in Excel is known as Get & Transform). After importing or connecting to the data, you can then shape it to match your requirements by doing things like removing columns, altering data types, or merging tables. The results of your query may then be loaded into Excel, where you can proceed to construct charts and reports.


How do I get data from Power Query in Excel?

  1. Navigate your way via the Ribbon to Data > Get Data > From File > From Workbook.
  2. When you use Power Query, the Import Data dialog box will appear.
  3. Locate the source worksheet, and then do a double-click on it.
  4. The Navigator dialog box appears when Power Query is used.
  5. Choose the data source that you would want to work with.
  6. Simply load the page by clicking the button.


Does Excel automatically have Power Query?

Each transformation that you design using Power Query will automatically be applied. This implies that you will only need to construct a query once, and then you will be able to execute it whenever you like.


What is the purpose of Power Query?

Power Query is the most effective data automation tool available in Excel 2010 and subsequent versions. This is exactly what the name says. A user is able to import data into Excel from other sources using Power Query. Some examples of these external sources are text files, CSV files, the Internet, and Excel workbooks. After that, the data may be scrubbed and made ready according to our specifications.


Final Words

We hope this article has explained everything you needed to know about "How to use Power Query in Excel? [Solved]". If you have any other questions about the Ms Excel software, please take the time to search for additional Excel content in Otherwise, don't hesitate to reach out to us through the contact page.

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